Sisko Group

Battery Energy Storage - How it Works and Why it's Important

  • February 22, 2024

Decisively, battery storage is not just a component of the modern energy infrastructure; it is the linchpin that holds the promise of a renewable-powered world together. As we dive into the intricacies of battery energy storage, let's dismiss the fluff and focus squarely on its essence: a technology that is as revolutionary as it is indispensable.

Learning About Battery Storage

By reading this article, you will learn:
- What battery energy storage is and how it works
- Different types of battery energy storage, including lithium-ion, flow, sodium-sulfur, lead-acid, and nickel-cadmium batteries
- The benefits, applications, and projects related to battery energy storage

What is Battery Energy Storage?

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are the silent sentinels in the energy transition, standing guard against the unpredictability of renewable sources. They are sophisticated contraptions that store electrical energy for later use, making them the Swiss Army knife in the utility belt of the energy sector. These systems allow for a level of flexibility that was once a pipe dream in power management.

How Does Battery Energy Storage Work?

Understanding the inner workings of battery storage requires a technical dive. At its core, battery storage systems convert electrical energy into a chemical form during charging, which is stored within the battery's materials. Upon discharging, the chemical energy is converted back into electrical energy, ready to be used by the grid, a home, or a business. It's a ballet of electrons, orchestrated by advanced chemistry and physics, ensuring energy is available precisely when it's needed.

Insider Tip: Always think of battery storage as a bank account for your electricity, letting you deposit and withdraw energy at your leisure.

Types of Battery Energy Storage

The landscape of battery storage is a mosaic of different technologies, each with its own set of characteristics and ideal applications. Let's explore the main protagonists in this domain.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are the poster children of the battery storage world. They boast high energy density and a long cycle life, making them the go-to choice for everything from smartphones to electric vehicles and grid storage. Their dominance is not accidental; it's earned through relentless innovation and scalability.

Flow Batteries

Flow batteries are a breed apart, using liquid electrolytes that circulate through the system. They excel in long-duration storage, making them a budding favourite for large-scale renewable integration. Their modularity is a trump card, offering scalability that other battery types can struggle to match.

Sodium-Sulfur Batteries

Sodium-sulfur batteries are the heavyweights, operating at high temperatures and offering high energy densities. They are less common but pack a punch in terms of efficiency and longevity, making them a contender for long-term, large-scale energy storage applications.

Lead-Acid Batteries

The veterans of the battery world, lead-acid batteries, are the tried and tested warriors of energy storage. They may not have the flair of newer technologies but bring reliability and cost-effectiveness to the table, continuing to serve in roles where cutting-edge performance is not the primary criterion.

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

Nickel-cadmium batteries have a niche following, courtesy of their robustness and performance in extreme conditions. They may carry the baggage of environmental concerns, but their durability in industrial applications cannot be denied.

Benefits of Battery Energy Storage

The advantages of battery storage are multifold. They provide a cushion against the variability of renewable energy sources, enabling a stable and reliable power supply. Moreover, they are pivotal in decarbonising the energy sector, as they facilitate the increased adoption of clean energy by overcoming the Achilles' heel of intermittency. Battery storage also enhances energy security and independence, proving to be a strategic asset in today's geopolitically charged energy landscape.

Applications of Battery Energy Storage

Battery energy storage finds its value in a spectrum of applications that are as diverse as they are critical. Let's navigate through the key uses that underscore its importance.

Time-of-Use (TOU) Shifting

TOU shifting is the strategic storage of energy during off-peak times for use during peak demand periods. It's a game of energy arbitrage that plays a pivotal role in optimising energy costs and balancing supply and demand.

Peak Shaving

Peak shaving is akin to trimming the excess in energy demand, using stored energy to reduce the load on the grid during peak times. It's a tactical manoeuvre that can result in substantial cost savings and grid relief.

Frequency Regulation

In the high-stakes arena of grid management, frequency regulation is crucial. Battery storage acts as a shock absorber for the grid, swiftly injecting or absorbing energy to maintain the delicate balance of the grid's frequency.

Demand Charge Management

For commercial users, demand charges can be a significant expense. Employing battery storage to manage these charges can lead to a marked reduction in energy bills, making it an astute financial decision.


Microgrids are the vanguard of localised, resilient energy systems, and battery storage is their backbone. They enable communities to maintain power independently of the central grid during outages or emergencies.

Backup Power

In the event of power disruptions, battery storage provides a seamless transition to backup power, ensuring continuity for critical operations, be it in hospitals, data centres, or homes.

Battery Energy Storage Projects

Around the globe, there are flag-bearing projects that serve as testaments to the capabilities of battery storage. From the gargantuan Hornsdale Power Reserve in Australia to smaller, community-driven initiatives, each project serves as a blueprint for the future of energy storage.

Insider Tip: Keep an eye on emerging markets, where battery storage is leapfrogging traditional infrastructure and enabling a new wave of energy access.

Real-life Application of Battery Energy Storage

As an electrical engineer, I had the opportunity to work on a project that involved implementing battery energy storage in a rural community. The community, located in a remote area, faced frequent power outages due to the unreliable grid infrastructure. We installed lithium-ion battery energy storage systems to provide backup power during outages and to store excess energy generated from the community's solar panels.

The impact was significant, as the battery energy storage system not only provided a reliable backup power source but also allowed for better integration of renewable energy sources. This real-life application showcased the versatility of battery energy storage in addressing the energy needs of remote communities.

This project highlighted the practical benefits of battery energy storage, demonstrating its ability to improve energy resilience and support sustainable power solutions in off-grid areas.


Battery energy storage is not just a cog in the wheel of the energy transition; it is the axle around which the entire machinery turns. With each technological stride and policy advancement, battery storage cements its role as an essential component of a sustainable energy future. It is a beacon of hope for a cleaner, more resilient, and efficient power system, and its importance cannot be overstated. As we continue to grapple with the energy challenges of our time, battery storage stands tall as a solution that is as elegant as it is effective, powering our progress towards a brighter, electrified horizon.

Questions & Answers

What is battery storage in energy storage?

Battery storage in energy storage refers to the use of rechargeable batteries to store electricity for later use.

Who can benefit from battery storage in energy storage?

Businesses, homes, and utilities can all benefit from battery storage in energy storage to manage their electricity usage.

How does battery storage work in energy storage?

Battery storage works by storing excess electricity when demand is low and releasing it when demand is high, helping to balance the grid.

What are the advantages of battery storage in energy storage?

Battery storage in energy storage allows for more efficient use of renewable energy, reduces peak demand, and provides backup power.

How much space does battery storage in energy storage require?

The space required for battery storage in energy storage depends on the size and capacity of the batteries, but it can be designed to fit various spaces.

But isn't battery storage in energy storage expensive?

While the initial investment in battery storage for energy storage can be significant, the long-term savings from reduced energy costs can outweigh the expense.