Sisko Group

Privacy Policy

Sisko Group Limited is committed to every visitor's right to privacy. This privacy statement applies to Sisko Group Limited, who control and make use of visitor information collected via this site. If you as a visitor choose to register or submit information to this website, you agree to the use of such data in accordance with this privacy statement. Please note that this site may contain links to other sites which may not be governed by this privacy statement.

As a visitor, you do not have to submit any personal information in order to use our website. The site collects personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by a visitor, as part of the application process should you wish to apply to a vacancy advertised on this site or register with us.

We will use information supplied by you (including without limitation sensitive personal data) to aid the recruitment process and administrative functions. You consent to us using information provided by you in this way. We will process any data provided by you to us when using this site, in accordance with UK data protection legislation.

This website uses cookies to track user activity whilst on the site. In order to fully utilise the services we offer visitors to the site will need to have cookies enabled. However, no user information is processed or retained by us using cookies.

We reserve the right to modify or amend this privacy statement at any time and for any reason.

Latest Blogs

Celebrating Easter by Supporting Sophie’s Legacy

This Easter, our team supported a local charity called Sophies Legacy. Sophie’s Legacy stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of a remarkable young... More

Sisko Group Bakes Up a Storm for Red Nose Day 2024!

On Friday, March 15th, 2024, Sisko Group came together for a delightful event – our office bake sale in support of Red Nose Day! 

We... More

Gas Engineers: Converting Your Skills to Air souce Heat Pumps

As a gas engineer, you possess a valuable skill set that can be adapted to work with air source heat... More